Department Of Physics

Department Of Physic

"Physics prepares students for all professions! "

Welcome to the Department of Physics at DIBNS. We started our journey in the year of 2015. Over the last 8 years, the department is growing with time with its developing well-equipped laboratories for learning through experiment. We have a Post-Graduate and Under graduate Programme in Physics. The curriculum of UG &PG is based upon Curriculum and Credit Framework of NEP 2020 and provides the in-depth study of the subject and the related areas. The Physics programme is the combination of courses such as Major core courses (MCC), Minor Courses (MC), Multidisciplinary courses (MDC), Ability Enhancement Courses (AECs), Skill Enhancement Courses (SECs), and Value-Added Courses (VACs). Our department maintains active research for carrying out collaborative and multidisciplinary research. Faculty members have excellent academic credentials and are highly regarded. Our department offers Science based outreach programme for various schools in the states. Besides this, the department offers large number of science-based activities for providing wide spectrum of options to the students to pursue their interest. The Department is also recognized as a NPTEL Local Chapter from IIT Madras. “PUNARVASU” the astronomy club of the department regularly organizes various outreach programmes and conduct regular observation sessions and imparting a spirit of curiosity and exploration among the students. Our department always strive to cultivate a vibrant academic community dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of physics.

Programme Offered

UG Courses

PG Courses

Certificate Courses


Building up an environment in the department by encouraging the development of educational physics by participating in the development of curriculum, developing methodology physics education and lifelong learning programs.


Our aim is to accelerate science knowledge within society by promoting scientific literacy and meeting the scientific needs of the community and prepare graduate with degree of efficiency, as well as a good human being.


  • Quest of Knowledge: our commitment to advancing our understanding of the fundamental principles of nature through our continuous learning, experimentation, and exploration approach.
  • Collaboration and supportive: Promoting a supportive and inclusive environment where our faculty, students, and staff work together collaboratively, respecting diverse perspectives and leveraging collective expertise to achieve common goals of teaching and learning
  • Communication and Outreach: Engaging with the learners and community to share our passion for physics, communicate the relevance and impact of our academic exercises, and inspire the next generation of scientists and informed citizen


Physics Department believes that Education should be holistic and quality-focused. Development of the scientific temper is our fundamental duty and we are committed to the cause of making learning a simulative, experimental and Exploratory process.

“PUNARVASU” a student-led Astronomy club of our department exemplifies best practices in astronomy education and outreach. “PUNARVASU” serves as a hub for students passionate about exploring the cosmos, offering a range of activities that bridge theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Regular stargazing sessions, expert-led workshops, and hands-on projects allow members to deepen their understanding of astronomical phenomena. We regularly conduct lectures and discussions featuring renowned astronomers and astrophysicists. We also deeply committed in harnessing the potential of Astro tourism and sustainable development in rural areas of Uttarakhand and conducts various community engagement outreach programme.

The Department is very conscious of its role in communicating the importance and excitement of contemporary physics and its cognate disciplines to young generation and the general public. One of the key roles of the Educational Outreach programme of department is to stimulate interest and encourage wider participation in physics amongst school going students. In support of these initiatives, the UG & PG students contribute the programme and run the Education Outreach activities. In these activities our students engaged themselves with school going children and assist them in various academic and scholastic activities from time to time.

ouR Placements sTUDENTS

Distinguished Faculty at Dolphin Institute
Department of Physic


The department of Physics has two spacious Physics laboratories for UG and PG programme respectively with dark room facility to conduct practical classes. The lab is equipped with instruments. Some Major Instruments are given here

G.M Counter

Michelson interferometer

Setup of Opto Electronics Device

Audio Frequency function generator

Optical bench

Common emitter transistor amplifier

Ionization potential measurement instrument

Amplifiers of All Classes


All Class of Oscillators

Integrated Circuit Regulator

All Class of Transistors

Circuit Designing Kits

  • Astronomy and Computational facilities Celestron: Astro Master 130 EQ Telescope Celestron: Sky observations & Navigation and astronomy software
  • Scilab: Scientific software package for numerical computations of Physics problems SILVACO
  • Atlas: Verilog coding for digital circuits TCAD Tool: Electronic device simulation
  • Access of Virtual Laboratory Setup: Virtual labs are established by the most reputed institution of the country and the department physics always encourage our students to perform


  • The department of Physics has sufficient number of class rooms to accommodate UG & PG students. Every class room is well ventilated and well lit with a seating capacity of 60. Theory classes are conducted using both black board, LCD projector and Smart board.
  • The department Physics has the necessary infrastructure with suitable number of computers, internet and audio-visual facilities. The department has well-equipped spacious laboratories and a Research laboratory. The departmental library has around 60 reference books and text books.

Eminenet Guest Speakers

Awards And Recognitions

Dr. Aasheesh Raturi received Global Teacher Award 2018 in higher education teaching category from AKS Education, AKS Worldwide Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.


External Funded Projects
Grants Secured for Research and Development (R&D) and science outreach programme
  1. R&D Research Project: Development of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven cognitive models for identification of commercial timber species of Uttarkahnd. Funded (UCS&T/R&D-52/23-24/25314) by Uttarakhand Council of Science and Technology (UCOST), Uttarakhand. (ongoing)
  2. Project: VIGYAN SETU-3.0: “VIGYAN SETU” one-week long Faculty Development Programme on “Design and Development of Massive open online courses (MOOCs) & E–learning technologies through SWAYAM” in association with Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College, Delhi University. (USERC/2022-23/460) RS.2,20,000/-(two lakh twenty thousand) Funding Agency- Uttarakhand Science Education and Research Centre (USERC), Uttarakhand. (ongoing)
  1. Project: VIGYAN SETU-2.0: outreach program on “Lend a helping hand to Laboratory experiments” for school students of remote Govt. school of Uttarakhand. (USERC/2022-23/342) Rs. 1,80,000/- (one lakh eighty thousand) Funding Agency- Uttarakhand Science Education and Research Centre (USERC), Uttarakhand. (Completed)
  2. Project: First International Conference on Radiation Awareness and Detection in Natural Environment RADNET-2023). SB/SS/ SSY/2022/001125 RS 2,50,000/- (two lakh fifty thousand) Funding Agency-DST SERB New Delhi. RS 1,50,000/- (one lakh fifty thousand) USERC/2022-23/543 Funding Agency- Uttarakhand Science Education and Research Centre (USERC), Uttarakhand. (Completed)
Project: National Workshop on “Indian Designed Cost-effective Raman and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. RS 50000/-(fifty thousand) UCOST/SCP-27/19-20/16914/1 Funding Agency-Uttarakhand Council of Science and Technology (UCOST), Uttarakhand. (Completed)
  1. Aasheesh Raturi, Shailendra Kumar, Bhanu Prakash R “Classification of Four Most Important commercial Timber species of India using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA)” New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 2023 (communicated)
  2. Asha Raturi, Hukum Singh, Parmanand Kumar, Abhra Chanda, Aasheesh Raturi “Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of greenhouse gas fluxes in the sub-tropical wetland ecosystem of Indian Himalayan foothill” Journal of Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2023 (communicated) DOI: 21203/
  3. S. Aswal, Mukesh Prasad, Ashok Kumar, Aasheesh Raturi, R.C. Ramola “Distribution, health effects and source apportionment of uranium and other potentially toxic elements in Ganga water” Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (JRNC) 2024
  4. Aasheesh Raturi,
Aasheesh Raturi, Shailendra Kumar, Bhanu Prakash R “Classification of Four Most Important commercial Timber species of India using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA)” New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 2023 (communicated)
  1. Asha Raturi, Hukum Singh, Parmanand Kumar, Abhra Chanda, Aasheesh Raturi “Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of greenhouse gas fluxes in the sub-tropical wetland ecosystem of Indian Himalayan foothill” Journal of Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2023 (communicated) DOI: 21203/
  2. S. Aswal, Mukesh Prasad, Ashok Kumar, Aasheesh Raturi, R.C. Ramola “Distribution, health effects and source apportionment of uranium and other potentially toxic elements in Ganga water” Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (JRNC) 2024
  3. Aasheesh Raturi,

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