
Asset Management

Dolphin Institute categorizes its assets into fixed and movable categories. This ensures proper maintenance and accountability for all institute property.

  • Fixed Assets:  Plant and machinery (generators, transformers, lifts) undergo periodic maintenance through authorized service providers. Logbooks track generator usage for monitoring.

  • Movable Assets:  Departments maintain inventories of all lab equipment. Monthly reports on equipment functionality are submitted, and any malfunctions are reported for prompt repair.

Facility Maintenance

The institute prioritizes maintaining a well-functioning campus environment. A dedicated team oversees:

  • Campus Infrastructure: Annual maintenance includes whitewashing/painting classrooms, labs, and offices, along with window and glass pane repairs.

  • Electrical Systems: Routine maintenance encompasses tube lights, fans, AC units, refrigerators, and water supply. A full-time team of electricians and plumbers manages these tasks.

  • Furniture: A dedicated staff member ensures regular upkeep of all wooden and steel furniture.

Complaint Resolution Process

A streamlined system allows department attendants to report routine maintenance needs. Complaints are presented to the Joint/Additional Director who authorizes repairs or replacements within 24 hours.

Vehicle Maintenance

All institute vehicles undergo periodic servicing at authorized dealerships. Logbooks track mileage and ensure timely servicing based on manufacturer recommendations.

Water Treatment

Water filters and RO systems are covered under annual maintenance contracts with respective companies. Regular cleaning (quarterly) is conducted for both overhead and underground water tanks, with proper recordkeeping for hygiene purposes.

IT Infrastructure

A dedicated IT department manages technology services:

  • Computer Systems: All computers are covered under maintenance contracts. Only authentic, licensed versions of Windows software are used.

  • Audiovisual Equipment: LCD projectors in classrooms receive regular maintenance and servicing.

  • Biometric Attendance System: The IT department maintains and monitors the biometric system for student and staff attendance.

Library Resources

The institute library ensures proper organization and management of its collection:

  • Book Cataloging: All library books are meticulously indexed for easy retrieval.

  • Journal Management: Journals are properly placed, stored, and bound as needed.