5.3.1 QnM

5.3.1 QnMNUMBER OF AWARDS/MEDALS FOR OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE IN SPORTS/CULTURAL ACTIVITIES AT UNIVERSITY/STATE/NATIONAL / INTERNATIONAL LEVEL (AWARD FOR A TEAM EVENT SHOULD BE COUNTED AS ONE) DURING THE LAST FIVE YEARS Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at University/state/national / international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the last five years
Academic Year2022-232021-222020-212019-202018-19

Link For Supporting Documents

1Certificate of Head of InstitutionView
2Academic Year 2022-23View
3Academic Year 2021-22 
4Academic Year 2020-21 
5Academic Year 2019-20View
6Academic Year 2018-19View

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